Read Across America is coming up!

If you are a librarian or media specialist looking for more authors, I still have a few spots open for March 3 - 7.

They need to be in the Houston area for in-person visits, or they can be virtual if not in the Houston area.

I have special Read Across America Author Visit pricing, especially if you can coordinate with nearby schools.

Contact me at


Author Visits

I have toured with my books in the United States, England, France, and Germany. As a former teacher, I love getting back in schools and reading to children. It’s the most rewarding part of being an author.

Presbyterian School hosted author Terri Sabol for a half-day presentation with our Early Childhood classes. She was astute in understanding the needs and love of story time with our PK3, PK4 and Kindergarten students. Parents, students and teachers enjoyed her visit. She used a variety of props and projection to help convey her stories to such a young audience. We loved our time with her!”

~ Leslie H., Presbyterian School Librarian

Why are author visits to schools important?

Meeting an author in person can be a life changing experience for a child. It makes the writing process, reading books, and the authors themselves accessible and real to students. Author visits can motivate writing, promote reading, encourage risk taking and passions, and validate teachers.

Do you offer virtual visits?

Yes! During a pandemic, or even in regular times when paying extra travel fees to the author might prevent your school from having an author visit, a virtual visit is a great alternative. I have all the equipment on my end needed, including the ability to share my screen for a pdf of my book. I can also share behind the scenes photos. The teacher can collect questions from students ahead of time to send me so I can talk about my books or the writing process in a tailored way.

I can also collect book orders to personalize and sign for students. Depending on the school’s location, I can hand deliver them to the school or mail them to the school for the teacher to distribute, ahead of the virtual visit or after. My one hour virtual visit fee is $150 and is limited to one grade level (or two, if smaller grades). Please email me at or fill out an Author Visit Request Form for more information or to set up your virtual visit.

Do you offer different programs for different grade levels?

Yes. I have spoken to every age level from 12 month olds to 12th graders. Even though the Oscar and Emmy series is in picture book form, the realistic pictures appeal to all ages.

I also check for understanding as I go, especially with the younger students. I am able to tell behind the scenes stories since I work closely with my illustrator and book designer.

I adjust my presentations carefully to suit a range of grade levels and attention spans. Programs usually range from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on age/grade level and the needs of the school.

  • Grades PreK-1 (30-45 minutes)

    I read any one of my books in completion. I check for understanding at each page. If time, I show them real pictures of Oscar and Emmy (if reading from the Oscar and Emmy Series) or give them behind the scenes info. There can also be a short Q&A.

    Popular books for this age group include Oscar and Emmy Get Rescued, Oscar and Emmy Visit Grandma, Oscar and Emmy’s First Chritstmas, and Green With Envy.

    Coloring page samples are provided that can be copied to hand out to students. This can be extended into an optional writing activity.

  • Grades 2-5 (45-60 minutes)

    I read any one of my books in completion. I discuss the book process from the idea to publishing, including my collaboration with the illustrator and book designer. There will be a Q&A at the end. With the 60 minute option, I can share some actual pictures which inspired the illustrations.

    Popular books for this age group include Oscar and Emmy Get Rescued, Oscar and Emmy Weather a Hurricane, Oscar and Emmy Visit the Vet, Oscar and Emmy Gain a Friend: A Story About Trap-Neuter-Return, Green With Envy, Raccoon Reunion, and Kneading a Winning Idea..

  • Grades 6-12 (60-90 minutes)

    When I read my picture books to the older students, I ensure that they are engaged.

    I give a more in-depth look at behind the scenes, and talk about how Photoshop is used when creating a book. I can also discuss how social media is used to promote the book. I talk about how my first illustrator was only 16 when I hired her for my first book and how the students can work hard to develop their talents and have a good work ethic. I discuss the book writing process from idea to publishing, discussing how many drafts and revisions there usually are. I touch on how I make a living as an artist and how I use my skills I learned in college and in my earlier career as a teacher.

Select the best book for your goal objective and age group.


Oscar and Emmy Get Rescued

Oscar and Emmy Get Rescued is very educational in that it teaches compassion for animals and promotes rescue, adoption, spay and neuter, and microchipping.


Oscar and Emmy Visit the Vet

In Oscar and Emmy Visit the Vet, students learn about vet check ups through the eyes of children and what they can do at home in between visits to help keep pets healthy.


Green With Envy

Green With Envy has the puns that older students will enjoy, the illustrations that younger students will love, and a twist ending that will have everyone laughing. There is also a theme of jealousy and appreciating what they have.

Oscar and Emmy’s First Christmas

Oscar and Emmy’s First Christmas is a fun, lighter story, but it is important to show how spending time with family and continuing traditions is more important than just receiving gifts. How young kittens Oscar and Emmy are involved in every step brings lots of humor and cuteness overload.


Oscar and Emmy Gain a Friend: A Story About Trap-Neuter-Return

Oscar and Emmy Gain a Friend: A Story About Trap-Neuter-Return shows how kids can have compassion for animals not their own. The family cares for a family of community cats.


Kneading a Winning Idea

Kneading a Winning Idea encourages readers to put fear aside to try their best, even if failure is a possibility. Embracing your confidence in your skills leads to growth in your character. This book also demonstrates how losing with grace is a good skill to have.

Oscar and Emmy Weather a Hurricane

Oscar and Emmy Weather a Hurricane is great if your school is in an area that has potential natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes). It also ties into weather units and diaster preparedness.


Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend: A Story About Euthanasia

Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend: A Story About Euthanasia highlights the importance of treating animals with love and dignity, even during the difficult and heart-wrenching moments in life. It serves as a reminder that while goodbyes can be incredibly painful, they can also be an opportunity to honor and cherish the memories shared with beloved furry friends.

Raccoon Reunion

Raccoon Reunion touches on social emotional learning topics including self-awareness and relationship skills. The themes also include anxiety, stepping outside your comfort zone, trying something new, helping others, teamwork, making new friends, and multi-generational family dynamics.

Oscar and Emmy Visit Grandma

In Oscar and Emmy Visit Grandma, readers learn about the importance of planning for your pets when you go on a vacation and can’t take them with you. The cats have a grand adventure with Grandma (and even learn about opossums).


Oscar and Emmy Foster Kittens

Oscar and Emmy Foster Kittens shows how a family (with or without pets) can make a difference in the lives of animals through fostering. The children in the story embrace responsibility in caring for the three bottle-fed kittens and help prepare them for adoption.


For the 2025-2026 school year, The Know It Owl Series will be available for author visits.

This presentation can include an Owl puppet and a volunteer from the audience (teacher or child) to help ‘act out’ the dialogue book. The children will love repeating Owl’s unique catchphrase to each featured animal.

Discover the enchanting world of The Know It Owl Series, where the wise and witty Owl sets out to correct the misconceptions of animals from around the world and enlightens them with the truth. Get ready to laugh, learn, and be enchanted by the wisdom of The Know It Owl Series. With each pages turn be captivated by the gorgeous illustrations that vividly capture the transition from the incorrect beliefs held by the eager young animals to the enlightening reality. Each installment in this series takes you on a new adventure, offering insight and knowledge about various animals.

Each book contains a dozen facts about the featured animal throughout the book, a bonus fact page, geography of the native habitat, a real photo I’ve taken, and an explanation of the animal’s placement on the endangered list. Each teacher at the school visit will also receive lesson plans to continue the learning in the classroom.


The Know It Owl

In this origin story book, Owl visits a young flegling owl, aGreat Horned Owl, where Owl tells him That’s a Hoot, Owl.


The Know It Owl and the Sea Turtle

Stay tuned….


The Know It Owl and the Otter

In this book, Owl visits Otter, a charismatic North American River Otter, where Owl tells Otter what Otter Oughta Know.


The Know It Owl and the ???

Stay tuned….


The Know It Owl and the Giraffe

In this book, Owl visits Giraffe, who is a bit of a fashionista. Owl playfully scoffs at her incorrect facts by adding Don’t Make Me Laugh, Giraffe before setting her straight on the true facts.


The Know It Owl and the ???

Stay tuned….

The Know It Owl and the Kangaroo

In this book, Owl visits Kangaroo, an overly confident Red Kangaroo, where Owl tells him Get a Clue, Kangaroo before setting him straight on the true facts.


The Know It Owl and the ???

Stay tuned….


What equipment is required for in-person author visits?

If I am reading to ~75 students or less at a time, I prefer a library setting. I can just read from my book and don’t require technology. Though, a laptop and projector/screen is always helpful to make sure every child can see and for the Behind the Scenes info.

If I’m reading to more than ~75 students in grades Pre-K to 5th or any amount in grades 6-12, then the school should provide:

  • A laptop/computer (for my thumbdrive), a projector, and a screen. (I bring my own presentation clicker.)

  • A microphone for larger groups (preferably a lapel mic) if the acoustics aren’t good.

How do we order books and will you sign them?

Book signings are an important part of an author’s visit. It gives students a personalized souvenir of meeting an author. There is an approximately $3 discount on paperback books bought through me instead of from Amazon. I sell them at my events for $10 including tax. They retail for $11.99 plus tax on Amazon.

There are 3 ways to handle books sales:

  1. Families pre-order my book through a form letter (which I will provide) sent home by the school in advance. Then, on the day of the visit, I will bring the personalized and autographed books to send home with the student.

  2. Families order my book directly from Amazon. On the day of the visit, they send the book with the autograph request form to school with the student so I can personalize the book and send it back home.

  3. The book order form can be sent home the day of the author visit for families to pay for and order a book through me within a week. I will drop off the personalized books or ship them to the school a few weeks later.

If book sales are not allowed per your school or district guidelines, there will be a small increase in my rate.

How does a school contact you to schedule an author visit and how much does it cost?

To schedule a visit, or if you have additional questions about my programs, please email me at

If you are in Texas, I have three pricing options:

  • Within 60 miles of Richmond, Texas: $350 for a half day OR $550 for a full day

  • Within 60 miles of Downtown Dallas: $400 for a half day OR $600 for a full day (inclusive of travel)

  • In the state of Texas: $700 for a full day (inclusive of travel and lodging)

Outside of Texas (in the lower 48 states), $900 for a full day (inclusive of travel and lodging)

In England, please email me for details.


  • If multiple schools in the same area book a visit on back to back days, there will be a 20% discount for the participating schools. Or two nearby schools can share the full day rate if they are able to work the schedule where I am able to make it to both schools in the same day.

  • I can waive my author fee to a Title 1 school if there is a grant or sponsor to purchase a book for every child in attendance.

  • I also give away a chance for a teacher or librarian to win a virtual visit if they are active on my book launch team. Sign up to my newsletter to find out when to join the next launch team.

  • Booking requests are first come, first served. Bookings for the following school year made before June 1st will be honored the current school-year rate.

Do you offer single presentation options?

If you are a library, scout troop, home school, church, daycare, etc. and are looking for a single 45 minute to 1 hour presentation for your small group needs, please contact me for options. I also offer single presentation options for the Read Across America Week (in person in the Houston, TX area or virtually).

Do you offer anything for Spanish-speaking students?

My first book has a bilingual edition: Oscar and Emmy Get Rescued, Oscar y Emmy son rescatados. I will read the book both in English and Spanish. I will require a translator for the Q&A or any extra dialogue with the students.

I look forward to hearing from you!

What is your availability for the 2024-2025 school year?

I currently have limited openings during Read Across America week (March 3-7) and the first half of May. Contact me at to secure an author visit while there are still openings. I am now accepting inquiries for the 2025-2026 school year.